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Meta Quest Firmware 55 erschienen

Die Firm­ware v55 für die Meta Quest 2 und Meta Quest Pro ist erschienen.

Bit­te beach­tet, dass die Aus­lie­fe­rung der Firm­ware in Tran­chen pas­siert. D.h. es kann durch­aus noch ein paar Tage dau­ern, bis Ihr die neue Firm­ware erhal­tet. Fol­gen­de Highlights:

Quest performance improvements

We’re con­ti­nuing to move VR for­ward by pushing the boun­da­ries of what Quest Pro and Quest 2 are capa­ble of. With v55, we’re enab­ling hig­her clock speeds for the CPU and GPU for all Quest Pro and Quest 2 head­sets, giving you smoot­her game­play and a more respon­si­ve UI. This update also adds more power for deve­lo­pers to take advan­ta­ge of for both exis­ting and upco­ming apps. 

The­se per­for­mance impro­ve­ments include:

  • Up to 26% increase in CPU speed for Quest Pro and Quest 2
  • Up to 19% increase in GPU for Quest 2
  • Up to 11% increase in GPU for Quest Pro 


We’re adding the abili­ty to use a pass­code to unlock your device, which will work like the unlock pat­tern. As this fea­ture gra­du­al­ly rolls out, you’ll be able to set up a nume­ri­cal pass­code bet­ween 4 and 12 cha­rac­ters to unlock your device, enter saved pass­words, and more. You’ll be able to mana­ge your pass­code from Secu­ri­ty in Set­tings

Messenger in VR

We’re updating the Mes­sen­ger expe­ri­ence in VR to help you con­nect and make new fri­ends while in the meta­ver­se. With v55, we’re brin­ging the Mes­sen­ger app, inclu­ding mes­sa­ging and audio cal­ling to VR, so you can hang out with tho­se who mat­ter most regard­less of which device they use.

People you follow are online indicator

You’ll now see a green cir­cle on the Peo­p­le tab in the uni­ver­sal menu to help you know when peo­p­le you fol­low are online.

Explore redesign

We’re gra­du­al­ly rol­ling out an expe­ri­men­tal design with new con­tent for the default landing page in VR, Explo­re, so you can effort­less­ly enga­ge with your com­mu­ni­ties, com­pel­ling enter­tain­ment, and immersi­ve experiences. 

A few of the Explo­re chan­ges we’re expe­ri­men­ting with include:

  • New lay­out formats
  • Reels in VR 
    • Reels in VR will only be shown to users who have a Face­book or Insta­gram account in the same Accounts Cen­ter as their Meta account
  • Meta Ava­tars Store
  • Meta Hori­zon Worlds fea­tured worlds
  • Media con­tent from Pea­cock, You­Tube VR, Plu­to TV and Xtadium 

Easier ava­tar editing in real-time

We made it easier to tra­vel to the mir­ror in your Hori­zon Home to edit your ava­tar. With just one click on the mir­ror, you will be trans­por­ted and rea­dy to view real-time edits to your ava­tar in an opti­mal position.

  • This will be rol­ling out gradually.

Eye tracking improvements

We’ve impro­ved eye track­ing on Quest Pro to make it more accu­ra­te across a broa­der field of view and during expres­si­ons like win­king. For the most accu­ra­te eye track­ing, you can always reca­li­bra­te by going to Move­ment Track­ing in Set­tings, then Eye track­ing, then Cali­bra­te eye track­ing

Use hands on notifications

We’re gra­du­al­ly rol­ling out a new way to inter­act with noti­fi­ca­ti­ons in VR using your hands. With hand track­ing tur­ned on, you’ll be able to tap on icons or but­tons, or swi­pe to dis­miss a notification.

New virtual environments

We’re releasing two new vir­tu­al environments:

  • Future­s­cape: As fea­tured in this year’s Meta Quest Gam­ing Show­ca­se, Future­s­cape com­bi­nes futu­rism with the beau­ty and tran­qui­li­ty of natu­re. You can try out this new envi­ron­ment by going to Per­so­na­liza­ti­on in Set­tings
  • The Gre­at Sand Sea: Available for down­load to all Meta Quest users who pre-orde­red Asgard’s Wrath 2, The Gre­at Sand Sea is a lar­ge, free roa­ming, living world that allows you to immer­se yours­elf in the mys­te­rious sands of a vast desert land­scape in VR. Once you pre-order Asgard’s Wrath 2, you can down­load this new Home envi­ron­ment from the Meta Quest app or direct­ly from your Meta Quest head­set and then launch the envi­ron­ment from the Home screen. 

Browser multi-touch support

Quest Brow­ser now has mul­ti-touch ges­tu­re sup­port, allo­wing you to use Touch con­trol­lers or your hands to zoom in, zoom out, or inter­act with other web elements.


Pierre Kretschmer

Senior Spezialist Digitales Marketing und Extended Reality. Gründer der VR Familie. Worldbuilder und Metaverse Enthusiast.

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